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Dee Taylor-Graham

Dee Taylor-Graham is a writer and educator with a passion for the crafts and an interest in their intersection with (and expression within) design and contemporary art. As a maker, s/he believes a bodily engagement with material and process is integral to the living of a good life.

From he/r beginnings as a primary school art teacher, Dee went on to study at UNSW’s College of Fine Arts, graduating with a Master’s in Art and Design Education, the beginnings of a BVA and an unexpected love of ceramics. This love saw he/r establish he/r own studio, took he/r to Adelaide for a stint at the Jam Factory and ultimately led he/r back to Sydney for further study. Three wondrous years at Sydney College of the Arts (SCA) in the company of some fabulous artists (friends to this day), cultivated a love of dressing up (performance) and picking fights (writing) and culminated in First Class Honours with the University Medal.

Dee spent a year as Resident Potter at Sturt Craft Centre, teaching adults and children, making pots and continuing to explore the potential for functional ceramics to act as agents for exchange / the building of community; all whilst teaching first year students in the SCA Object (Ceramics, Glass and Jewellery) studios. S/he took, for a while, the role of Studio and Technical Supervisor at SCA before finally ditching the big smoke and moving to Tassie to start he/r own art school.

Midst the building of said school, s/he helped bring the Australian Ceramics Triennale to Tasmania in 2019 and despite remaining unable to say Artistic Director with a straight face, is immensely proud of what s/he and the Triennale team achieved.

It is with no small pleasure that Dee now devotes he/r energy to Waldie’s School for the Ceramic Arts, where art (craft), gardens, food and ongoing dialogue foster a creative community, often referred to (only semi-ironically) as the Feminist Utopia Now (FUN).

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Special thanks

We owe a debt of gratitude to many. Friends, family, colleagues, students, associates – we couldn’t have made Waldie’s happen without your support. Thank you.

Special acknowledgements to:

  • Catherine Rogers – for the beautiful photograph which has become the image of Waldie’s (see more of her work at Catherine Rogers Photography).
  • Valerie Odewahn – for your invaluable contributions and unwavering support
  • David Taylor – for your relentless drive and ability to GET JOBS DONE!
  • Baukje Camm & Esther Schilling – for all the cakes, biscuits, and love in the form of sustenance

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Special thanks

We owe a debt of gratitude to many. Friends, family, colleagues, students, associates – Waldie’s was born, and continues to thrive, thanks to your support.

Blessings and thanks.